Preposition is a word which is used before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation with
some other words.
e.g. (a) The book is on the table. (right)
(b) The book is _the table. (wrong)
List of preposition :
(1) towards : [केओर , केप्रति ]
e.g. (a) वह दिल्ली की ओर चला गया।
He went towards Delhi.
(b) वह गरीबों केप्रति दयालुहैं।
He is kind towards the poor.
(2) about : [ केबारेमें, लगभग ]
e.g. (a) करीब 5 बजेहैं।
It is about 5 O’Clock.
(b) मैंतम्ुहारेजीवन केबारेमेंसब कुछ जानता हूं।
I know everything about your life.
(3) between : [केबीच, दो सेअधिक ना हो ]
e.g. इन आमो को राम और श्याम केबीच बाट दो ।
Distribute these mangoes between Ram and Shyam.
(4) among : [ केबीच, दो सेअधिक ]
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e.g. इन आमो को सारेलोगो केबीच बाट दो ।
Distribute these mangoes among all.
(5) without : [ केबिना ]
e.g. वह पढ़ाई केबिना नहींरह सकता ।
He cannot live without studies.
(6) within : [ केअदरं ]
e.g. तम्ूहे५ बजेकेअदरं आना ही होगा ।
You have to come within 5 O’Clock.
(7) before : [ केपहले]
e.g. वह ५ बजेकेपहलेआ जाएगा ।
He will come before 5 O’Clock.
(8) after : [ केबाद]
e.g. वह ५ बजेकेबाद आ जाएगा ।
He will come after 5 o’clock.
(9) beyond : [केपरे]
e.g. यह car खरिदना मेरेसपनो केपरेहै।
To buy this car is beyond my dreams.
(10) by far : [ अब तक ]
e.g. अब तक वह अच्छा लडका है।
By far, he is a good boy.
(11) across : [आरपार, उसपार]
e.g. (a) इस जंगल केआरपार एक सडक है।
There is a road across this forest.
(b) वह सडक केउसपार दौडा ।
He ran across the road.
(12) from : [ से, तारिख केलिए ] {Note : सिर्प 6 tenses मेतारिख केलिए use होगा }
E.g. (a) हमारी परिक्षाएँ१० अप्रलै सेप्रारंभ होगी ।
Our exam will start from 10th April.
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(b) वह दिल्ली सेआता है।
He comes from Delhi.
(13) above : [एक स्थिती केउपर]
E.g. वह समाज मेहमसेउपर है।
He is above us in society.
(14) below : [एक स्थिती सेनिचे]
e.g. वह समाज मेहमसेनिचेहै।
He is below us in society.
(15) under / beneath : [किसी चीज़ केनीचे]
{ underneath – ज्यादा गहरा }
e.g. वह झाड केनीचेखड़ा हुआ ।
He stood under the tree.
(16) with : [ से, केसाथ ]
e.g. (a) मैपेन सेलिखती हुँ।
I write with a pen,
(b) मझु ेछडी सेमार पड़ी।
I was beaten with a stick.
(c.) मैअपनेमित्र केसाथ जाता हुँ।
I go with my friends.
(17) by :[ केद्वारा,से, केपास, तक]
E.g. (a) यह पस्ुतक तलसीदास ु केद्वारा लिखी गई है।
This book is written by Saint Tulsidas.
(b) मझु ेteacher सेमार पड़ी।
I was beaten by the teacher
(c.) मेरेपास बठो। ै
Sit by me
(d) मैपाँच बजेतक आ जाउँगा।
I will come by 5 O’clock.
(18) through : [ मेसे, भर केलिए (throughout -e.g. दिन भर), केद्वारा ]
e.g. (a) वह दिन भर काम करता है।
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He works throughout the day.
(b) वह जंगल मेसेगया ।
He went through the forest.
(c.) यह tender मझु ेउनकेद्वारा मिला।
I got this tender through him.
Note : (for means of transport) we can use either by or through.
e.g. through the train; by the train
(19) till : [बीतेहुए दिनो केलिए ‘तक’ का use हो तब till का use होता है। ]
e.g. उसने५ बजेतक काम किया ।
He worked till 5 p.m.
(20) against : [ केविरुद्ध, केसहारे]
E.g. (a) वह काननु केविरद्ध है।
This is against the law.
(b) वह दिवार केसहारेझुका ।
He leaned against the wall.
(21) along : [ केसाथ, आगेकी ओर, सीधा ]
e.g. (a) उसनेदाल-चावल केसाथ अचार खाया
He ate rice and dal along pickle.
(b) वह गली मेसीधा दौड़ा ।
He ran along the street.
(c.) वह गली मेंआगेकी ओर चला ।
He walked along the street.
(22) to : [ किसी स्थान जानेकेलिए, को ]
E.g. (a) वह दिल्ली गया ।
He went to Delhi.
(b) वहआज रात को चला जायगा ।
He will go back to night.
(23) of : [का, पर]
e.g. (a) मैराधा केघर जाता हुँ।
I go to Radha’s house.
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| go to the house of Radha.
(b) उन्होंनेसंपर्णु र्णबंगाल पर आक्रमण किया ।
They attacked on Bengal,
The whole of Bengal was attacked by them.
(24) beside/aside: [बगल ले, बाजूसे, अगल-बगल]
Eg. (a) यह मेरेबाजुमेबठा ै है।
He is sitting beside me.
(b) वेएक-दसर ु ेकेअगल-बगल मेबठै ेहै।
They are sitting beside each other.
(25) besides : [केअतिरिक्त, केअलावा]
e.g. (a) उस पार्टि मेजवान केअलाटा बढुेभी आए थे।
In that party, besides young people, old people had come.
(b) मनै ेउसेपसै ेकेअलावा कपड़ेभी दिए ।
I gave him clothes besides money.
(26) behind : [ पीछे]
e.g. मेरा घर राधा केघर केपीछेहै।
My home is behind Radha’s house.
My home is behind the house of Radha.
Note : अपनेघर को Home कहतेहै।
दसर ु ेकेघर को House कहतेहै।
(27) during [ केदौरान ]
E.g क्या दीपावली केदौरान गर्मी पड़ती है?
Is it hot during Diwali?
(28) top [ सबसेऊपर ]
e.g. आप पहलेसेही अपनी कक्षा मेंशीर्ष पर हैं।
You’re already at the top of your class.
(29) out [ बाहर ]
E.g. हम नाश्तेकेलिए बाहर जा रहेहैं।
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We’re going out for breakfast.
(30) up [ ऊपर जातेहुए ]
E.g. फिर उसनेदसरा ू डिब्बा उठाया।
Then he picked up another box.
(31) down [निचेजातेहुए ]
E.g. बठै जाओ, और अपनी कलम लेलो।
Sit down, and take your pen.
(32) around [आसपास ]
E.g. लड़केनेआश्चर्य भरी निगाहों सेअपनेचारों ओर देखा।
The boy looked around him with wondering eyes.
1. He got______to ask a question.
2. Prices of articles are still going______.
3. Stop writing, the time is______.
4. Climb______a tree.
5. Walk______the stairs.
1. The sun has gone ______.
2. Jump ______carefully.
3. Sit ______please.
4. He was walking ______the street.
5. She was walking ______the street.
1. The dog was ______the table.
2. He looked ______the bed.
3. They took shelter ______the trees.
4. The water flows ______the bridge.
5. He was sitting______the tree.
1. They could see the village ______them.
2. The lake is 500 feet ______the sea level.
3. He had a wound ______the left shoulder.
4. You should write ______this line.
5. My father is______seventy.
6. His income is______Rs. 5000/- a month.
7. This work is______my dignity.
1. They found the body ______a pile of grass.
2. The boat sank ______the waves.
3. He was sitting______the tree.
1. She found a lot of dust ______the carpet.
2. The coin rolled ______the table.
3. He hid the gun ______the bed.
4. He left the key ______the mat.
1. There were clouds ______us.
2. The water came ______our knees.
3. The pilot was flying ______the clouds.
4. The birds were flying high ______the trees.
5. The kites rose______the cloud.
1. They were sitting ____ the garden.
2. Stop walking _____ and start some business.
3. There were ______fifty students in the class.
4. We were sitting _____ the dinning table.
5. The earth moves _____ the sun.
1. He was going ______the college.
2. She went ______office.
3. My brother is kind ______the poor.
4. It is now ______night.
5. They went ______the airport.
1. He knew it ______ a newspaper.
2. The beggar went ______ the market.
3. Can you see ____ glass?
4. People got bored and could not sit ____ the night.
5. They got ______ the examination.
1. The sun gives us light ______ the day
2. Nobody would talk ______ my discourse
3. The people suffer hardship ______ the war.
4. ______ the dinner he talked about his plan.
5. ______the war many people were killed.
1. He always kept a dictionary ______him.
2. She was sitting ______her mother.
3. Who is standing ______Kumar?
4. Go and sit______your father.
5. The child was sitting______the mother.
1. ______Sweta, all of the girls were present in the class.
2. ______the Ramayana, I have the Gita.
3. ______Urdu, I know English and Hindi.
4. ______a book, you have bought a notebook.
5. ______money, he wants clothes.
1. ______you and me, she is very stupid.
2. She divided the apples ______the two children.
3. C comes ______B and D.
4. Samesh sat ______Mahesh and Ramesh.
5. ______you and me, she is very stupid.
1. He lives in a house ______the trees.
2. She divided the money ______her four sons.
3. Satish works ______the poor.
4. I shared out the food ______the family.
5. Divide these mangoes______the children.
1. Don’t go ______ the river.
2. There is a village ______ the pond.
3. Don’t remain out ______ midnight.
4. My uncle has nothing ______ his provident fund.
1. He has doubt ______his honesty.
2. What do you know ______this incident ?
3. It is ______eight Oʻ clock.
4. The college is ______six miles from my village.
1. A woman cannot live ______a man.
2. We cannot live ______water.
3. One cannot write ______a pen.
4. We cannot see ______eyes.
1. Manoj is standing ______ me in the queue.
2. I get up ______six.
3. She returned ______Monday.
4. He will do it ______March next.
5. She was standing ______the police inspector.
1. They came here ______8 o’clock.
2. We went to Paris four years ______our marriage.
3. He went there ______five days.
4. She went to her college ______11 a.m.
5. Tuesday comes ______Monday.
1. My elder sister lives ______the Ganga river.
2. There is a bridge ______the river.
3. There were trees ______the house.
4. She was putting the shawl ______her shoulders.
5. The cat ran ______the lawn.
1. He died____a wound.
2. He has come ______Mumbai.
3. The wind blew ______the South
4. The fruits have fallen ______this tree.
5. Mukesh will come here ______Sunday next
1. He will finish this work ______5 o’clock.
2. ______that time, the moon was up.
3. You must come to me ______8 a.m.
4. Applications must be received ______10th May.
5. The child came and sat______her.
1. She died ____ her lover.
2. He writes ______a pen.
3. She writes ______a pencil.
4. He cuts the mango ______a knife.
5. The carpenter cuts the tree ______an axe.
1. He will return ______a week.
Till :
1. I shall stay at Meerut ______Thursday next.
2. He works in the factory from 9 a.m.______3 p.m.
3. My father-in-law will stay here______next Friday.
4. He is expected to be here ______ the end of the week.
1. The workers have acted ______ the orders of the director.
2. One should not go ______ the rule.
3. Sailing ______ the current is difficult.
4. It is difficult to paddle the cycle ______ the wind.
5. The child threw the ball ______the wall.
1. He was walking ______the road.
2. Varsha went to Malasia ______with her husband.2.
1. We walked ______the street.
2. She went ______the corridor.
3. He hurried ______the path towards me.
4. They walked ______the riverside.
5. How is she getting ______?
1. He works in the factory from 9 a.m._____3 p.m.
2. He was going ______Patna Market.
3. She is going ______Patna College.
4. She waited for me from morning ______evening.
5. The postman delivers the letters from door ______door
1. She died______fever
2. He died______malaria
3. His wife is tired______work.
4. I am fond______music.
5. He died______grief.
1. My daughter was hiding______the door.
2. He has left nothing______him.
3. The boy is______the hut.
4. The Kashmir Mail is running ______time.
1. He has lived here ______1980.
2. Everything has changed ______the last summer.
3. It has not rained ______the end of June.
4. He had been writing novels ______he was thirty years old.
5. He has been living in this house ______1985.
1. He died ____ his country.
2. She died ___ her belief.
3. They have lived here ______five years.
4. It rained continuously ______twelve hours.
5. They have been working ______two hours.
1. The train left ____ 8 o’clock.
2. She used to go to temple ____ Dussehra and Diwali.
3. He came here ____ the weekend.
4. She married ____ the age of twenty.
5. I called on my friend ____ night.
1. He died ____ battle.
2. He died ____ his bed.
3. Ram Lakhanbabu died ___ harness.
4. English literature flourished ____the 16th century.
5. She was born ____ 1990.
1. The boys came ______the hall.
2. She ran ______the house.
3. He got ______a bus/a train/a plane/a car.
4. The athletes marched ______the stadium.
5. The frog fell______the well.
1. They are sitting ______the floor.
2. My father is coming ______Monday.
3. We’re having a party ______the tenth of October.
4. Her house is ______Mahatma Gandhi Road.
5. We went to see a movie ____Tuesday.
1. The dog sprang______the table.
2. The lion sprang______the prey.
3. The cat sprang upon the table.
1. She hung the calendar ______the fireplace.
2. There was a lamp (hanging) ______the table.
3. They held a large umbrella ______her.
4. There were books all ______the table.
5. Please spread the cloth______the table.
1. There was a village a little way______the sea coast.
2. That oldman fell______the ladder.
3. He put______his coat.
4. He took the hat ______the table.
5. The boy fell ______the tree/roof.
1. He works in the factory from 9 a.m.______3 p.m.
2. My father-in-law will stay here______next Friday.
“In front of”
1. There is a tree ______ my house.
2. There was a beautiful garden ______ my school.
3. Manoj is standing ______ me in the queue.
“Amid” and “Amidst”
1. A beautiful girl was sitting ______ the young.
2. There was a small cottage ______ the building.
3. Honesty is useless ______ dishonesty.
1. I shall do it ______an hour.
2. He will come ______this month.
3. Patna Junction is ______two kilometres from my residence.
4. We should keep our expenses ______our income.
1. I was employed by the company ______1980.
2. You will have to wait ______my return.
“Out of”
1. He went ______ the room.
2. The bird flew ______ the cage.
3. She jumped ______ the shelf.
4. I saw him coming ______ the library.
1. He climbed ______the roof.
2. The cat jumped ______the table.
3. A tree fell ______a car.
4. He stepped out of the train ______the platform.
1. It is ______six o’clock.
2. What is he ______?
3. Look ______you.
4. She is too weak to get ______.
5. The truth is just the other way ______.
M.2008. 1. Most children remain…… school …… the ages of six and sixteen. (Rewrite using appropriate prepositions)
O.2008. 2. He sailed across the sea and landed on the shores. (Point out what the underlined preposition time/place/movement)
M.2009. 3. We completed the work……. thirty minutes and then left……the station. (Use suitable prepositions)
O.2009, 4.The main drawback…… the area is its distance ….. the railway station. (Use proper prepositions)
M.2010. 5. Fill in the blanks with proper propositions. We have a break…..tea. We start again….. 3.30 p.m.
O.2010. 6. The assembly is composed….. members chosen ….. direct election. (Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions)
M.2011. 7. The boy was looking ….. the hoarding which was, just ……his school building. (Use proper prepositions)
O.2011. 8. Every man is conditioned ……. the age ….. which he lives. (Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions)
M. 2012. 9. A massive non-co-operation movement was…. full swing all…. The country. (Use suitable prepositions)
O.2012. 10. My sincere thanks…. all the people …. the Vishva Bharati family. (Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions)
M.2013. 11. He wanted to look……. the beautiful girl…….the platform.(fill in the blanks with proper prepositions)
O.2013. 12. A dog trotted …..the river bank before jumping …….the river. (Rewrite the sentence using suitable preposition in the blank)
M.2014. 13. I was___ my regular walk through the forest___9 a.m.(Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions)
M.2008. 1. Ans: Most children remain at school between the ages of six and sixteen.
O.2008. 2. Ans: 1.across – movement 2.on – place
M.2009. 3. Ans: We completed the work in thirty minutes and then left for the station.
O.2009, 4. Ans: The main drawback of the area is its distance from the railway station.
M.2010. 5. Ans: We have break for tea. We start again at 3.30 p.m.
O.2010. 6. Ans: The assembly is composed of members chosen through direct election.
M.2011. 7. Ans: The boy was looking at the hoarding which was just beside his school
O.2011. 8. Ans. Every man is conditioned by the age in which he lives.
M. 2012. 9. Ans: A massive non-co-operation movement was in full swing all over the
O.2012. 10. Ans: My sincere thanks to all the people of the Vishva Bharati family.
M.2013. 11. Ans: He wanted to look at the beautiful girl on the platform.
O.2013. 12. Ans. A dog trotted along the river bank before jumping into the river.
M.2014. 13. Ans. I was on my regular walk through the forest at 9 a.m.
1. Oh, for a life on the beach!
2. Hemmed in by the ghats on the east and the Arabian sea on the west
3. Devbagh is a tiny island in the ‘Uttara Kannada’ district of Karnataka.
4. Devbagh is a 20 minute ride from Karwar.
5 . A short walk from the jetty takes you to tents.
6. The one sitting in the tree (What does the underlined preposition indicate?)
7. The children rushed to st. Vincent. (What does the underlined preposition indicate?)
8. In less than four years (What does the underlined preposition indicate?)
9. Then at 12 O’clock Carter’s phone rang. (What does the underlined preposition
10. The gardener pointed out of the window at st. Vince place(What does the underlined
preposition indicate?)
11. He frolicked in the lawn.
12. Children rushed to st. Vincent place to gaze in wonder.
1. Ans: On is a prepositions of place.
2. Ans: On prepositions of direction.
3. Ans: In prepositions of place.
4. Ans : From prepositions of place.
5 . Ans: From prepositions of place.
6. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Place
7. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Direction.
8. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Time duration
9. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Point of time
10. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Direction.
11. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates Place
12. Ans: The underlined preposition indicates directions.